Sunday, 29 January 2012

My Favourite Accessory

My newest and favourite obsession with collecting & wearing would definitely have to be scarves! They're so comfy and pretty much elevate most if not all outfits to the next level. Living in Toronto weather, not only makes them a necessity but also a..."want-a-ry" (yup I just made that word up). Here are just a few of my favourite pieces! Keep warm and have a wonderful day, xo

From left to right: white and light blue floral scarf, grey leopard scarf, red rustic scarf, blue rustic scarf...all can be bought from Aritzia!
Closer up view...aren't they pretty!?

My favourite of them all!

The reversible blue rustic one
These ones are really light...good for the spring


I appreciate all comments and will try my best to get back to you with any questions or inquiries! Also if you want to follow each other please leave a comment here and I'll be happy to return the favour xx