Monday, 1 April 2013

Not So April Fool's

Happy April first ladies and gents! I love the start of the month because I feel like it gives me a reason to start something new and fresh! For this month my goal is to jump back on the wagon of good old working out and eating clean. I have to admit, the first month was awesome, but after living the life of a student teacher (which goes a little something like this: wake up at 6:30, shower, prep for lessons, teach lessons for the entire day, chase after children in the hallway, break up 'boys just being boys', yard duty, volunteer, home, plan lessons for tomorrow, eat, sleep) well yeah, I just have no time! Throw a few shifts of work in, and I am a complete wreck once Saturday comes. However, since I only have 2 more weeks of student teaching left, I thought I could squeeze in a small workout today and a few this week! My day pretty much started with some simple carbs- flax bread and peanut butter but once lunch came around I opted for a fish fillet! Next, after some lesson planning of course, I decided to give my body a 40 minute workout. Actually...I am sitting on this computer as we speak with my arms aching (yeah working out does that to ya). So before I hit the shower, here are just a few exercises I did today. Honestly I am not ready to go to my university's gym juuuuust yet, so I'm opting for the less embarrassing option of watching youtube workout videos at home. Do you have any good workout gurus/videos you watch? Let me know, xo

She's honestly so awesome and funny, and if you have time, I'd definitely subscribe to her (: Later gators!

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