Resolutions. What an odd word used to bring in and describe the new year since it typically means to make a decision to do or not do something. For many, this means hitting the gym 5 times a week or completely cutting junk food out of their diets. For others, it is putting in the effort to learn how to cook or finally completing a last minute project in your home. But if you really think about it, a resolution should be exactly what the word resolution is composed of and that is finding more or multiple solutions. Honestly, I don't think that cutting things out of our lives or introducing strange and extreme things/activities is necessarily healthy. Our bodies need time to adjust and accommodate to change. So instead, the new year should be about constant reflection, reassessment, evaluation and not only about introductions and eliminations. It should be about transformations we want for the remainder of our lives and not only a few months. It is about finding "re-solutions" to cope with this vast and ever changing world. Needless to say, my new years resolution consists of much needed rest and relaxation, appreciating and taking care of my body, meditation and a little lesson on patience. So here's wishing you a happy new year and many more to come. xo